Sunday, 9 March 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-03-10

Good morning - what a week :(  Posting Sunday night

DH is still sick with the cold but getting better.  I too came down with it and it hit me hard.  Have not seen the grandchildren this week

Then on Monday my brother texted to say my parents had dropped by to see them Sunday afternoon and sil (nurse) thought my dad looked yellow and had lost alot of dad tried to get an appointment with his doc (march 20th)... which was way too far. 

Tuesday brother was at emergency room with dad from 11:15 am to 2:00 am... dad was very tired of it all.  He had some bloodwork done and urine test.  They told him to go back Wednesday morning for more tests.  They spent the day there again as they decided to admit him and have exams on Friday (biopsy and passing a tube so the bile can go through - the bile is giving him the yellow color), he has something on pancreas.  Thursday they let him out in the afternoon saying tests will be Monday and Tuesday.  They added a 3rd test (lung RX) to be done on Monday too.  

Let's just say this has been a very hard week.  They told him it is probably cancer... and we all know pancreas cancer is quick.  So while my 1st brother spent part of the week in the hospital with dad my other brother was back home taking care of mom, she kept asking for dad but we didn't tell her he was in hospital... she wouldn't realize anyway, so he kept saying he was at work.  He stayed with her night and day.  

Since I,ve been sick with the flu I do not want to give it to them so we did not go there over the weekend (nothing to be done for now anyways).  If I feel better on Monday ddil is going there for her job and coming back Tuesday afternoon, I just might go with her.

Saturday was housechores and DH spent weekend at ds' house as they are redoing the whole kitchen with the help of ds' bil and DH.

Sunday was a day of mostly nothing.  Will post this on Sunday night as I will probably leave tomorrow at 6:00 am to go to parent's house, will depend on the night.  I cancelled my parking for Tuesday because no matter what I am not going to town on Tuesday for work.  Gave my place to another cw who had not been able to get one for Tuesday.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather
We had a very windy week, cold, rain, yucky all around - wow Tuesday should be warm!
Light snow
Scattered showers
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Mostly cloudy

Looking around the house
Since I was alone most of the weekend I managed to do some housechores while resting once in awhile.  So the house is fine.

Thinking and pondering
Dad, mom.... 

TV this week
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • La Galère (saison 4)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)
A few regular programs have ended ... a good thing too.  too much tv to watch

Interesting blog I saw this week
Nothing interesting and worth putting the link for.

On my reading pile
L'inciseur  - Fitzek Tsokos

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • Deep clean pantry
  • Potage (recipe from FB.. was NOT good)
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Vac main floor
  • Tai-chi class - will go if not going to Montreal, but...
  • Prep for in-town work Tuesday  will not go in town on Tuesday
  • Go see parents


Upcoming this week
will see as it goes

From the camera


Funny of the week

Monday, 3 March 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-03-03

Good morning 

DH spent the week sick with a cold - he went to clinic and they gave him a cortisol spray but nothing else saying it has to do its time... so this morning I am starting to feel sick... hope it passes quickly.

DS was away for work a few days and ddil kept grandkids at home and teleworked as Anne-E had fever a few days too.  Normally we would've kept them here but ddil did not ask because she new grandpa was sick too.

Saturday Xavier arrived for lunch (Anne-E wanted to stay with her mom).  DS, ddil and Anne-E went to town and bought their flooring for kitchen renovations.  All came here for supper.  Xavier sleptover and dh took him back home Sunday before lunch.

I managed to do quite a bit during the weekend too... not dh he has a man-cold.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather
Cold this morning!  Looks like a little snow everyday... we had snow almost everyday last week too.
Snow showers
Rain and snow
Rain showers
Snow showers

Looking around the house
Spring cleaning is coming along.  yay!  some things to finish then back to more decluttering.  St-Pat's decor is up.

Thinking and pondering
Paperwork to be done and have to think about what we will do for Easter.

TV this week
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • La Galère (saison 4)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)
A few regular programs have ended ... a good thing too.  too much tv to watch

Interesting blog I saw this week
Nothing - but I have subscribed to a few free webinairs for upcoming weeks.  This week is The Art of Your Life Workshop .  Next week is Organized Living Summit and it April it's the Gutivate workshop

On my reading pile
Oeil pour Oeil  - MJ Aldridge

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • Vac main floor
  • Deep clean Kitchen, Kitchenette, basement staircase, main bathroom (walls, woodwork,  furniture, ) - Curtains will be aired out when it is warmer outside.  Still need to wash chair covers.  Kitchen cabinets will be done in Autumn (and above cabinets).  Still have the big shower to do too.
  • Ragoût de boulettes... tought I would have some to freeze but nope, served that on Saturday for supper and sent some to ds and family and we have leftovers for this week.  Might go buy more of the beef/porc ground meat to do a 2nd batch for freezing.
  • Chocolate/pumpkin cookies (gave some to ds' family and froze a dozen).
  • Tai-chi class
  • Prep for in-town work Tuesday
  • Work on knit socks
  • Do paperwork
  • Watch today's webinair
  • More laundry
  • Make some soup
  • ... MAYBE do a few more spring-cleaning tasks but not sure... in fact not sure at all.
  • Some kids drawing in recycling..... we do have ALOT, they make at least a dozen everytime they come here.

Upcoming this week
Tuesday - In-town work
Next weekend renovations start at ds' house.  dh will go.  I might go with Xavier to his ice skating class and keep him here, but we'll see as one of his cousins will be at their house.  So might not accomplish much here next weekend.

From the camera

Xavier wanted grandma to color with him, we played games and baked cookies too.

Quote of the week

Monday, 24 February 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-02-23

Good morning 

Have not heard from hospital about the exam I was to have... at least not hurting anymore but it did hurt friday during the night.  pfff

Last week was busy... grandkids on Monday (daycare strike), Thursday for supper and they slept over and left Friday at noon.  Taichi on Monday, In-town work on Tuesday.  and lots of snowblowing and shoveling for DH.

Kids and grandkids were gone with friends for the weekend so was slower here.  I did some deep spring-cleaning.  DH had some computer coffe-meeting on Thursday, then Friday he volunteered at local ice rink to set it up for the evening with big screen - there was an activity with a film of the village 50 years ago, torch lighting around the rink, pea soup, hot chocolate, donuts and maple taffy on snow.  I went for half an hour on Friday night.

Sunday we made a quick run to costco and then spent a slow rest of the day.  Updated my DMV account.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather
Finally warmer weather
Light snow
Rain and snow
Partly cloudy
Snow showers
Snow showers

Looking around the house
So much more to do with the spring cleaning

Thinking and pondering
Wil have to call dad this week and figure out when we will be going.  What will we do for Easter this year?  Spring birthdays, gifts to buy. Work - job will change somewhat as some things I work on are almost finished and they want to give me new things to work on.

TV this week
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Détective surprenant (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • In Memoriam (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • La Galère (saison 4)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)

Interesting blog I saw this week
Nothing worth mentionning

On my reading pile
Avide - Myriam Vincent

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • Vac main floor
  • Deep clean LR (walls, woodwork, fireplace frame, frames, furniture, floor, basement railing) - windows and curtains will be done when it is warmer outside as will the couches and stuffed chairs.
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Costco errands
  • Tai-chi class
  • Prep for in-town work Tuesday
  • Nice and sunny out so may go for a walk or sit outside on the patio for a few minutes to get some Vitamin D

  • 1 pair of socks
  • 2 markers
  • 1 pair of ski pants (waaaaay too small)

Upcoming this week
Tuesday - In-town work

From the camera


Quote of the week

Monday, 17 February 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-02-17

Good morning 

Last week went to clinic she says either divirticulitis or a kyste on ovary... got bloodwork and all is fine so probably not divirticulitis.  still waiting for echography for kyst... good thing started to feel better by myself.  still sore in that area but if I don't press on it I'm fine.

Wednesday dh picked up grandkids from daycare so they had supper here and he drove them home around 7:00 pm

For Valentines got some nice flowers and we ate at St-Hubert's (chicken restaurant).

Saturday was some deep-spring cleaning - think I did too much on one day, was sooo tired, no longer a spring-chick.

Sunday was a slow day (woke up with a headache).  Kids and grankids were to come for supper but stayed home because of the snow.

Today grandkids will be here for the day as daycare is on strike.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather

2nd snowstorm since last week
Snow showers
Snow showers
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
Mostly sunny

Looking around the house
Glad I've got a few things spring-cleaned, feels good.

Thinking and pondering
Normal mental-charge.  That I'd like to do some crafts too.

TV this week
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Détective surprenant (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • In Memoriam (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • Épique: Massif de Charlevoix  Decided not to follow that one
  • La Galère (saison 4)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)

Interesting blog I saw this week

On my reading pile
La librairie des livres interdits - Marc Lévy.

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • Vac main floor
  • Wash all main floor ceilings
  • Deep clean office (walls, woodwork, furniture, light fixture, floor) - windows and curtains will be done when it is warmer outside.
  • Deep clean my bedroom (same stuff as above)
  • Cook some hard-boiled eggs for this week
  • Wash main bathroom

  • Grandkids here for the day
  • Take down Valentine's and put up St-Patrick's day decor (waiting to do it with grandkids)
  • Post here
  • Tai-chi class
  • Prep for in-town work Tuesday
  • Nothing

Upcoming this week
Tuesday - In-town work and supper with coworkers

From the camera

Quote of the week

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-02-10

Good morning 

1 week in Florida for vacation was great.  Sun, warmth and relaxation.  We shared a room with sis and bil.  With the $$ exchange rate (was 47%), yikes!  

Got to see uncle and aunt 2 days in Clewiston, FL and then 4 nights in Miami.  We had a great condo in Miami ( much less luxurious in Clewiston... needed a little love and lots of renovations).  

We spent a few days at the beach (could see the Ocean from our room window) and visited Miami Beach, Monkey Jungle (was disappointing, a hurricane had hit and destroyed much of the tunnel and monkeys were on the run... so they have to rebuild and catch the monkeys), Winwood Wall (all graffities and art, was beautiful!), Fort Meyers Beach, and got to visit a friend from work who is retired and was in Florida for 3 months at her condo.

Then when we got back at sis (arrived at midnight Monday the 3rd), slept there and Tuesday had breakfast and lunch with parents before coming back home.  Got here at 4:15 and at 4:20 got a call to pick up grandkids at daycare so they had supper here with us.  

Wednesday was back to work, not too bad a week, so got caught up.  

Thursday dh had grandkids all day as daycare was on strike.  He drove them home after supper.

Friday evening dh went to hockey game with neighbor and his wife came over to chat and spend the evening.

Saturday was some deep spring-cleaning of my craft closet (that is a BIG job) and supper at restaurant in town as neighbor was celebrating her 60th bday.

Sunday was housechores and tummy aches... lots of garlic and onions at restaurant last night even though I was careful with what I chose.

Still aching this morning, so have a 9:20 appointment at clinic.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather

Partly cloudy
Snow showers
Mostly sunny
Partly cloudy

Looking around the house
Spring cleaning is in the air.... but it is mostly clean

Thinking and pondering
Decluttering needs to be happening

TV this week
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Détective surprenant (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • In Memoriam (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • Épique: Massif de Charlevoix
  • La Galère (saison 3)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)
Lots of catching up to do!

Interesting blog I saw this week

On my reading pile
La librairie des livres interdits - Marc Lévy.
While on vacation read the Housemaid's wedding and Housemaid #3

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • Deep clean craft closet
  • Vac main floor
  • Deep clean office desks and armoire
  • Deep clean bathroom closet
  • Post here
  • 9:20 clinic appointment
  • Tai-chi class
  • Prep for in-town work Tuesday and restaurant after work with some co-workers
  • 4 marker pens
  • 1 winter coat 
  • 4 2004 brand new calendars
  • Fabric scraps
  • Spool organizer
  • 1 Christmas red-truck canvas needlepoint kit 
  • 7 pens
  • 7 dvds
  • 1 pair of Christmas oven mitts
  • 1 Christmas hand towel
  • 1 bag of papers from mom's when we went on Tuesday

Upcoming this week
Tuesday - In-town work and supper with coworkers

From the camera
View from our condo window

Found Santa!

Wynwood Wall art... beautiful place! worth it

The 4 of us

Me and sis

Quote of the week